AME Chopper - Complete bikes
The frame types already described under the rubric 'AME Rolling Chassis Kits ' are also available as ready-to-use complete bike with different engine types:
- AME ST 800 / 802 'SOFT-TAIL Old-school-chopper - for 2-, 4- und 6-cylinder engines
- AME HT 900 / 1000 'HARD-TAIL' only for H.-D. engines
The fitting features can be chosen depending on the frame type:
- steering head angle 37° up to 54°
- steering with tapered roller bearings or spherical bearing
- forward controls
- super long fork tubes, up to 30cm / 12" extension
- narrow forks or 'Wide-Glide-Style' up to 400mm width
- girder- / springer forks against a premium
- chromed break calliper
- TÜV certified drum break at the front against premium
- optional forward tyre equipment 16" / 19" / 21" of choice
- rear tyre equipment 200 - 250 mm on 6" - 10" rims
- handlebar, handlebar bracket, grips, of choice
- gas tank of choice
- seats in various models, colours and shapes
- exhaust unit of choice
- Aluminium and steel components chrome plated
- Paint finish of choice
- Airbrush und hand painting against premium depending on outlay
The ready-to-use vehicles are approved by the TÜV and are handed over with all the vehicle papers for use on European roads.
In arrangement with AME it is possible to realise the construction using components owned by the customer, such as engine, transmission, break units, electrics and wheels.