Work in the workshop and TÜV Accreditation
In its initial phase, AME turned its attention to the supply of extended forktubes for the greatest possible number of different production model bikes.
In the rule, the modifications took place directly at AME, which strengthened personal contacts to the chopper riders. The countless conversations lead directly to new ideas.
Modification parts were sought which would underline the individuality of the chopper. AME reacted with a wide product range of special accessories e.g. with chopper typical exhaust and forward controls, tanks, chopper seats, handlebars, risers etc.
The range of chopper modification parts was aimed initially at the type of person who was used to carrying out the conversion work themselves.
However, it was not long before requests came in for complete conversions, and the workshop work of the AME mechanics provided an additional service provision. All the conversions completed were naturally fitted with the much-coveted TÜV tag.
As it was (and still is) completely forbidden to carry out alterations to the frames of production model bikes, the possibilities for converting into a chopper extremely restricted. Thus came the idea, the implementation of which was to provide the biggest challenge of the young company: the development of a house-own chopper frame. At that time, world-wide, there were no motorcycle frames for substitution in possession of a certificate for use on public streets.